Meeting Rules/Privacy Policy


1. Participants agree to hold confidential the identity of all in attendance and any information that may give away or suggest who was at the meeting/special event or who shared what. General information discussed and topics covered are open and encouraged to be shared to keep the conversation going.

2. All individuals will be respected and given the opportunity to share without judgement or ridicule. Please share from your own experience, knowledge and opinion and allow all others to do the same.

3. We do not focus on any particular dynamic within Power Exchange relationships. If your relationship involves PE or you are interested in PE, you have a place within MAsT: Winnipeg.

4. Masters without a slave/submissive in attendance will be expected to take care of themselves while at MAsT: Winnipeg meetings unless a slave/submissive chooses to serve a Master of their own volition

5. We recognize that protocols may be a part of some relationships. We strongly encourage that any protocol that may distract from or interfere with candid discussion be suspended for the discussion portion of the meeting.

6. Cell phones are to be on vibrate or turned off. If you must take a call, please step out of the room..

7. Please refrain from wearing strong scents to MAsT: Winnipeg meetings/events and keep smoking in all its forms outside.

Privacy Policy

In this community we know how important everyone's privacy is. We try to minimize the amount of personal information that we ask for and in most cases are happy to take any name you'd like to offer, however for membership cards we do require legal names (mainly for affiliated discount purposes). For any information the we do request, the following privacy policy applies:

- Only members of the leadership committee can access personal information, though rarely do more than one or two people actually see it
- Records are stored in a locked filing cabinet at one of the committee households
- Records are kept for one year following the expiration date and then destroyed
- Only the number of attendees is ever shared ( MAsT International requests the number)

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